First Time at TCC?
We look forward to meeting you! Here are a few things that might help you with your first visit:
Worship Experiences | We have two Sunday services at 9a & 11a. Sunday small groups meet at 10:15a.
Prayer & Praise | If you have a prayer request, or if God has done something special in your heart, we'd love to know about it. Tell us on your ConnectionCard or at the Giving Kiosk in the foyer. You can also let us know by sending an email on the Info page of our website.
Coffee | Enjoy a cup of coffee on us! Fuel up at our coffee station in the lobby. You are welcome to bring it in the sanctuary with a lid.
ConnectionCard | If you are new to TCC, please fill out a ConnectionCard and return it to the Welcome Center in the lobby or drop it in the offering so we can get to know you better.
Childcare & Children's Services | Please take advantage of our excellent Nursery ( 2 years old and younger) available for both morning Worship Services. FIRST LOOK (ages 3-K) & 252 (1st - 5th grade) meet during the 9a & 11a services in our children's wing
​Media | To hear today's message and archived messages click the Media tab above.
Midweek Gathering | Fellowship and grow at TCC every Wednesday night at 7p. We have ministries for all ages - nursery to adults, including:
Nursery - ages birth - 2 years old
Promise Land Preschoolers - boys and girls ages 3 - 4
GLOW (Girls Lighting Our World ) - girls K - 8th grade
Royal Rangers - boys K - 8th
Ignite Student Ministries - High School students
Adult Discipleship/Small Groups - college students and up
Beginning February 21, 2018 we will begin the Midweek Gathering with praise and worship in the sanctuary, afterwards you can find a Small Group or ministry to participate in. Click here to see a Small Groups Directory.
GrowthTrack | If you would like to grow deeper in your faith, get engaged in community at TCC and fulfill your life purpose GrowthTrack is where it all begins. Click here to learn more about the Growth Track.